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Handy hints and tips to help you plan your elective



- Information evening upcoming



- Future elective photo competitions



- Elective report submission








Completed an SSC in global health or another piece or work? Looking for a place to share your work? Contact to upload your work to our site!




​Where to go?

 - Personal interest in the country and culture

-  Medical conditions

-  Safety

- Hospital size: rural, town or city

- Speciality availability

- Language

- Finances

- Weather/time of year

- Personal health and vaccinations


​What to do?

- Medicine

- Surgery

- Research

- Aid

- Audits

- Teaching

- Projects

- Sport and expedition


​Handy Hints

- Start planning at least 1 year in advance

- Research well

- Speak to colleagues

- Find people with similar ideas/interests

- Think about funding early:

   be specific in applications



Click on the images below to read about personal elective experiences.


Please send your best elective picture to for it to be publicised on our website. A competition and prize for the best photo will be coming soon! 

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